Abfall App Stadt Metzingen

by Abfall+



Again almost missed the garbage disposal? With the new free app for waste Metzingencan not happen. The app remembers reliably to all discharge events in the residual waste bin, compost bin,Paper ton and the Yellow bag in Metzingen. The dates of the mobile collections forProblem waste tires and plastics are included. Simply select residence, set reminder desire and youve got "garbage collection always in view." The falling world app is an innovative service of the city of Metzingen.features-----------------Individual settings for the reminder (day, time)For any number of locations (perfect for caretaker and property managers)Filter by waste container (eg. as only remember the removal of the organic waste bin can)Notification of the message center (Notification Center)Shifting the garbage disposal due to holidays and weekly emptying the compost bin in theSummer months are consideredAdded value ? Many additional information on waste management-----------------Locations: Information about recycling center, composting plant, construction waste landfills, sorting and tomunicipal waste collection (location, opening times, which is believed ?, Directions)Waste-ABC: The practical aid for disposal questions about specific wasteService: Contact at waste management, waste charges, helpful tips u.v.m.News: Latest news from waste managementQuickly ready-----------------1. Waste download, install and launch app2. Free set up (with or without login)3. Select the municipality and the district or road4. Set the waste filter5. finished